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Reflexology is a form of bodywork that involves applying pressure to the hands and feet to produce changes in pain and other benefits elsewhere in the body.

How Does Reflexology Work?

The underlying theory behind reflexology is that there are certain points or "reflex areas" on the feet and hands that are connected energetically to specific organs and body parts through energy channels in the body.

I apply pressure to reflex areas, to remove energy blockages and promote health in the related body area. Here are some examples of reflex areas and their corresponding body parts:

  • The tips of the toes reflect the head

  • The heart and chest are around the ball of the foot

  • The liver, pancreas, and kidney are in the arch of the foot

  • Low back and intestines are towards the heel

Although the roots of reflexology go back to ancient Egypt and China, William H. Fitzgerald, an ear, nose, and throat doctor, introduced this concept of "zone therapy" in 1915. American physiotherapist Eunice Ingram further developed the zone theory in the 1930's into what is known as modern reflexology.tress and stress-related conditions. foot reflexology has been my passion. I love reflexology as it is equally relaxing for me while client is receiving it. I have studied at Napier university Edinburgh achieving BSc complementary therapy as a clinical reflexologist.

  • Tension Headaches and migraines

  • Arthritis

  • Insomnia

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Sports injuries

  • Menstrual disorders, such as(PMS)

  • Digestive problems

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Back Pain

  • pregnancy

  • Sciatica

  • Planter fasciitis

Hand reflexology is a complex but powerful healing therapy that encourages whole-body health and wellbeing. By working various parts of the hand, you stimulate meridians, the spine, the lungs, the shoulders, thyroid, stomach, and so on. There is much to learn with hand reflexology but with so many benefits, it is certainly worth the effort. When you use reflexology, you literally have access to your own health through your hands.